A car spoiler is a wing shaped device that is usually positioned at the rear of the vehicle above the trunk. Initially, the units were used on race cars in order to stabilize the vehicles at high speeds. In modern times they are used in a number of ways.
Functions of car spoilers
Reducing the amount of drag: drag is the resistance generated by air that the vehicle passes through. Since air is very light, it allows objects to pass through it at lower speeds; however, as the speed increases, air generates resistance which usually slows down the vehicle.
A spoiler is designed in a way that it minimizes the resistance which allows you to easily push against air thus attaining maximum speed.
Increasing traction: traction is the stability of the car on the road. It's determined by a number of factors such as: the car's weight, amount of tire that is in contact with the road and the gripping power of the rubber on the tire.
A spoiler can be angled in such a way that it causes air around a fast-moving car to press down on the vehicle thus creating a downward force on the tire thus increasing traction. This in return increases the car's stability.
Some spoilers have brake lights which aid in increasing the safety of the car by making it easy for other drivers to see that you are braking. If you have a heavy truck, you can install the units in order to decrease the drag between the cab and the trailer.
Types of spoilers
There are two main types of spoilers: rear and front spoilers
Rear spoilers: they aid in reducing a car's air resistance. From their name, they are placed at the rear of a vehicle. They are usually flat surfaced units that are held at a right angle in order to reduce the amount of drag. The horizontal angle prevents some of the generated air from following the rear contour thus preventing the creation a suction effect.
Front spoilers: these are common in high performance vehicles that are designed to travel at very high speeds. Front spoilers play a crucial role of creating a downward force on the front tires thus increasing traction.
This is what you need to know about car spoilers. When installing the units, ensure that the work is done by a professional who will not only install the units perfectly, but also advice you on the best units to go for.
We stock different types of car spoilers. For example, we have high quality roof spoiler. We also have carbon fiber spoiler.Visit the given links to see what else we have in stock.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Duncan_Lancer
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8857070
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